KAM Karter\’s Day Nov 8th


We are calling this KAM Karter\’s Day because Open Practice, Test & Tune, Registration, Swap Meet, Club meeting and Driver Clinic day is too long to write on the calendar.

We designated Jan 8th for an open practice day for drivers to use as a Test & Tune opportunity the week before the Texas Kart Nationals and we figured while we were at it to start registration that day too. Then we couldn\’t figure out a day for the Driver Clinic since there are so many indoor shows on the schedule so. Also the KAM Karters Association needs to have a meeting to nominate next year\’s board, and had been wanting to host a Swap Meet too since a lot of you had been asking for one – so heck let’s just make a day of it! 

Open Practice

The track will be prepped and ready for action starting at noon and going until at least 6pm. The clinic students will have exclusive access for about an hour for their on-track lesson starting about 3 (when the meeting starts) after which the track will be open again to everyone.  The practice session will be self-monitored unless there this a high number of karts at which we may go to a \”Controlled\” practice session similar to Hot Laps. Cost is $15 per kart.

 Membership Info

Our first Annual Club Meeting for the new KAM Karters Association will also be held this day at 3:00pm. Our By-laws will need to be finalized and voted in as well as securing spots for next year’s Board of Directors. In accordance with our Certificate of Formation the Annual Meeting is to be held in November and everyone who is a current registered KAM driver/family is grandfathered in and considered a “Member” in good standing with full voting rights.

Driver Clinic

All new (0-2 years’ experience) drivers should plan on attending the Driver Clinic, but it is open to all drivers. This clinic will benefit all drivers as we will cover a lot of important material for technique and skill training. Two of the instructors are former KAM drivers and current Sprint Car racers. There will be an on-track session so bring your kart. If you are interest in this clinic please email me and I will send you a full class itinerary. Cost is $25

Swap Meet

A swap meet is also being planned so bring out your items to sell or shop for items you need. . The swap meet will be advertised on all social media and forums and will be open to the public. If you are already participating in the open practice then a booth spot is free. Otherwise the cost is $5/table for personal vendors and $65/booth for professional vendors.


There will be something for everyone so mark this event on your calendar!


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