How to Create an Instagram Account for your Driver or Race Team


By now you should have a Website (or least your Domain registered), Facebook Page, YouTube Channel and Twitter account.  So going along with my Driver Marketing and Branding series, let\’s take a look at Instagram next.   

For some people and businesses, Instagram may not be the most advantageous platform. And if you only have time to manage a couple social media sites, you may not be able to justify adding another one. And that’s ok. Instagram may not be for you right now.  I consider Instagram an important channel to help create and build a Fan Base in the demographic area that will benefit your driver and race team.  

Instagram – It\’s where the Kid\’s are.  Of course there are plenty of platforms that the “kids” (the younger, millennial generation) frequent, but this is one that is easy to manage from a Parent\’s perspective and one that a potential sponsor may see.  Note: If your child is older and already has an Instagram account then most of my advice will not be applicable.  You can tweak the Branding of it and create a brand worthy bio section and tell your driver to keep the pictures he posts driver or race related.  (Read my Social Media Do\’s and Don\’ts)  If they do have an active account already, I might still suggest you that create another one just for the Race Team.  Your child may outgrow his account and in that case you will have a channel that has a history and fan base generated for the brand (See Pro-Tip below).

How To create an Instagram account from the app:  Download the Instagram app for iOS from the App Store, Android from Google Play Store or Windows Phone from the Windows Phone Store.
Once the app is installed, tap to open it.   Tap Sign Up, then enter your email address and tap Next. You can also tap Log in with Facebook to sign up with your Facebook account.
If you register with email, create a username and password, fill out your profile info and then tap Done. If you register with Facebook, you\’ll be prompted to log into your Facebook account if you\’re currently logged out. 

PRO-TIP: If you already have an Instagram account you can create another one by going to the settings icon in the top right hand corner of the app and scroll down to \”Add an Account\”. \"add


It’s All About Photos and Videos on Instagram.

Visual Content is what Instagram is all about.  Be consistent and creative –  use to create custom images to post to your feed and add via your computer using this cool App I found called Gramblr.   Another cool app that I use is Ripl

So How do I post a photo?

To upload a photo or take a new one, first tap \"\" at the bottom of the screen:

  • To upload a photo from your phone\’s library, tap Library at the bottom of the screen and select the photo you\’d like to share.
  • To take a new photo, tap Photo at the bottom of the screen then tap \"\". You can tap \"\" to switch between front and rear-facing cameras and \"\" to adjust flash.

Once you\’ve taken or uploaded a photo, you can add effects or filters, a caption and your location before posting. You can also post a video.

Note: You can\’t take or upload photos from a desktop computer (unless you use Gramblr as mentioned above).

Remember to be consistent and don\’t let your Instagram feed go \”stale\”.  Let your personality shine!!  





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